Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
All right. You've taken what I was saying out of context. I don't agree with denying people basic rights. What I do agree with, however, is denying people privileges (Things such as marriage, driver's liscence, etc.).
If you remember, the Tenth Ammendment states that "the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
In a nutshell, a state can deny anyone basic privileges as long as the people agree to it. In this case, the states have voted (Overwhelmingly, I might add) for the non-legalization of gay marriages. That is what I agree with. If that makes me bigotted, then so be it.
I don't believe anything has been taken out of context. Again, I suggest that you are advocating for the
tyranny of the majority.
The majority once agreed that blacks should not be allowed to drink from the same water fountain as whites. Heck, if the majority of people agree that this is OK then it *must* be OK. Drinking at a water fountain isn't a right, it's a privilige... besides, we've provided them with their own water fountain. It's just as nice, really.
This has nothing to do with who has the right to make a law. It has everything to do with inequity before the law.