Originally Posted by JinnKai
Just like women and African Americans -- they didn't have the rights in the first place, so no "benefit is being taken away since they never had it in the first place" ?
And you don't see how that's bigoted? It's not cynical, it might be evasive and dismissive, but it's definitely bigoted.
"Hey look -- an underpriveleged class. Let's not give them equality, beacuse .. well,... uhh.. they don't have it now so they don't know what they're missin!"
All right. You've taken what I was saying out of context. I don't agree with denying people basic rights. What I do agree with, however, is denying people privileges (Things such as marriage, driver's liscence, etc.).
If you remember, the Tenth Ammendment states that "the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
In a nutshell, a state can deny anyone basic privileges as long as the people agree to it. In this case, the states have voted (Overwhelmingly, I might add) for the non-legalization of gay marriages. That is what I agree with. If that makes me bigotted, then so be it.