Originally Posted by Moyaboy
If marriage is a privlage then why do you have the quick marriages in Nevada. Such a privilage!
It's rather simple. No one has the right to marry. Not me, not you or anyone else who reads this. A right is something which is owed to you and marriage isn't owed to you (Even if you would like to think it is). The institution of marriage-- More than anything else-- Is a based off of social structure. Rather, being married is a privilege, just as being able to drive or owning a cell phone is.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
Your religion may tell you that homosexuality is a sin. Bully for you! Don't become a practiving homosexual. The key here is that all citizens are supposed to be equal before the law. Those who would fight to discriminate based on something as silly as sexuality need to seriously examine their place in the division of church and state.
I haven't based anything off of religion. The only time I ever mentioned religion was in response to a users post which happened to mention religion. Anyway, as I stated in my post prior, being married is a privilege and, as such, the act of being married can be denied to any persons. How does the denial of the privilege of marriage negatively affect a homosexual's life?
The notion that citizens are equal under the law-- While noble-- Is a load of horse dung. There are many social inequalities present in our every day society, which are not questioned and accepted as common practice (For example, in the United States, we deny criminals the right to vote, we deny minors the right to enter into contracts, you can't legally drink if you're under the age of 21 etc.). If you're going to argue on the basis that denying homosexuals the privilege of marriage is violating the notion that citizens are equal under the law, then you'd better start to challenege all inequalities.