Originally Posted by ARTelevision
A great part - and for me, it is the very greatest part - of what is wrong with parents, children, and the world these days has nothing at all to do with parents.
Kids are influenced - for me they are most influenced - by perverse social pressure and societal programming. This is the combined mind-numbing power of billions of dollars of corporate research into coersion - rendering all of us more powerless - in all situations - than we are at all comfortable in admitting. It is evident to me that parental influence is rendered nearly nil in the face of the unfathomable power of technology and mass media.
No matter how much they try, parents are losing any ability to influence or control their kids because of titanic external forces and it's hardly their fault. Blaming parents for the ills of this or any society is too easy an answer. It sounds good but it doesn't change, answer, or solve anything.
In my opinion the easiest escape route is to blame the media, despite the fact that all people are born with a mind of their own and pretty much all of them have parents who are a far more direct influence than the media should be. And if the media is indeed the biggest influence on a child's life and actions, then whose fault is that?
People need to start taking responsibility for themselves, whether it is for their own actions or the actions of the minor who is entrusted in their guardianship. This was a problem that could easily have been averted by the parents had they been motivated enough to do so.