Originally Posted by magictoy
..........Let's take your concept a little further. Next time you walk into a McDonald's, or some other "crap" job, take a look at the manager. Do they look like a rich college kid, or like someone who learned the business from the bottom for a few years, and then got promoted? I'd be willing to bet they make more than minimum wage, too. Of course, it's much easier to ask the government for more money than to pay dues like the manager did.........
How do your strong, though mostly unreferenced opinions, square with the impact of the federal government failure to stop the formation, inside U.S. borders, of a parallel work force of say....<a href="http://pewhispanic.org/">11 million trespassers</a> who <a href="http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/workerpanel042904.html">undercut</a> the wage and benefit "levels" that you seem to want to be determined solely by supply and demand?
How do your views square with an executive branch committed to pro-management objectives, at the expense of 70 years of National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) rulings that formerly protected the rights of workers to organize into unions and bargain collectively for wages and benefits?
Labor board ruling could have implications for union members
The California Nurses Association and AFL-CIO are keeping watchful eyes on the National Labor Relations Board, which is expected to hand down a ruling in the next few weeks that could have massive implications for unions.......
........The five-member National Labor Relations Board, appointed by President George W. Bush, could by its ruling broaden the definition of “supervisors” to encompass more positions, effectively diminishing the number of employees eligible to unionize.
Under the National Labor Relations Act, supervisors are barred from joining unions and subject to disciplinary actions or dismissal for participating in union activities...........
How do your views square with a government that is now controlled by business interests?
The Road to Riches Is Called K Street
Lobbying Firms Hire More, Pay More, Charge More to Influence Government
By Jeffrey H. Birnbaum
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, June 22, 2005; Page A01
To the great growth industries of America such as health care and home building add one more: influence peddling.
The number of registered lobbyists in Washington has more than doubled since 2000 to more than 34,750 while the amount that lobbyists charge their new clients has increased by as much as 100 percent. Only a few other businesses have enjoyed greater prosperity in an otherwise fitful economy.
The lobbying boom has been caused by three factors, experts say: rapid growth in government, Republican control of both the White House and Congress, and wide acceptance among corporations that they need to hire professional lobbyists to secure their share of federal benefits.....
...........Political historians don't see these as positive developments for democracy. "We've got a problem here," said Allan Cigler, a political scientist at the University of Kansas. "The growth of lobbying makes even worse than it is already the balance between those with resources and those without resources."
In the 1990s, lobbying was largely reactive. Corporations had to fend off proposals that would have restricted them or cost them money. But with pro-business officials running the executive and legislative branches, companies are also hiring well-placed lobbyists to go on the offensive and find ways to profit from the many tax breaks, loosened regulations and other government goodies that increasingly are available......
............The Republicans in charge aren't just pro-business, they are also pro-government. Federal outlays increased nearly 30 percent from 2000 to 2004, to $2.29 trillion. And despite the budget deficit, federal spending is set to increase again this year, especially in programs that are prime lobbying targets such as defense, homeland security and medical coverage.
In addition, President Bush has signed into law five major tax-cut bills over the past four years. His administration has also curtailed regulation. Over the past five years, the number of new federal regulations has declined by 5 percent, to 4,100, according to Clyde Wayne Crews Jr., a vice president of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. The number of pending regulations that would cost businesses or local governments $100 million or more a year has declined even more, by 14.5 percent to 135 over the period...........
........All-Republican lobbying firms have boosted their rates the most. Fierce, Isakowitz & Blalock and the Federalist Group report that at the end of the Clinton administration, $20,000 a month was considered high. Now, they say, retainers of $25,000 to $40,000 a month are customary for new corporate clients, depending on how much work they do.....
Going Left on K Street
More Democrats Hired to Lobby Despite GOP Efforts to Shut Them Out
By Jeffrey H. Birnbaum
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, July 2, 2004; Page E01
....... The K Street Project, which was conceived by Republican leaders in Congress and GOP activists elsewhere, identifies loyal Republican lobbyists and campaign contributors and then encourages lawmakers to welcome them into their offices to the exclusion of others.....
....... "Everybody is very conscious of the fact that the Democratic outlook is better than it was seven or eight months ago," he added.
But proponents of the K Street Project don't see the same signs. The project "is alive and well and even spreading to the states," Norquist said.
How do the nearly unlimited resources and greedy, deceptive, nature of the wealthiest American families, exposed in an attempt to achieve legislation that solely benefits them, square with your POV? Consider that....even under current federal tax law, the wealthiest ten percent of Americans confine the rest of us to just 33 percent of the country's total wealth.....my earlier post on this page documents wealth distribution statistics that state that half of the U.S. population controls just 2-1/2 percent of the total wealth!
If you understand that politics is the business of control and distribution of power and wealth, your defense of the status quo, your failure to recognize that the wealthiest and most powerful few have marginalized the offset that a representative government in a constitutional republic is intended to afford the least wealthy, by the shear numbers of votes that they potentially exercise to influence control, to "balance" the power/wealth transfer, probably precludes chances for any meaningful discussion here.
The current uneven distribution of wealth and politcal power did not come to be where it is now, in a vacuum. Things are the way they are because too many were convinced by propaganda financed by the wealthy and powerful, to "go it alone", instead of in the way that post Hoover era Americans learned to behave politically, both at the polls and in their workplaces.
You seem to want government to suddenly take a "hands off" approach to legislating a more balanced wealth and power distribution. If your advocacy prevails, things will end badly for most of us, as they did in the 1930's, and the pendelum will swing the other way. Current federal policies yield results of half the population holding only 2-1/2 percent of the wealth, a 50 percent increase in U.S. treasury debt in less than 7 years, near total loss of the domestic manufacturing base, aggravating a trade imbalance nearing $70 billion per month, these twin deficits triggering a destruction of the purchasing power of the currency, delayed only by the printing of unprecedented new quantities of devalued fiat paper money that has fueled bubble level prices in real estate and in commodity prices.
The response to these trends by the federal executive and legislative branches was to empower energy and pharma inductry lobbyists to write "reform" legislation that benefitted only their industrys' interests and investors, as well as the politicians paid to cast yea votes for these bills, and sign them into law.
April 25, 2006
Public Citizen and United for a Fair Economy Expose Stealth Campaign of Super-Wealthy to Repeal Federal Estate Tax
Report Identifies 18 Families Behind Multimillion-Dollar Deceptive Lobbying Campaign
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The multimillion-dollar lobbying effort to repeal the federal estate tax has been aggressively led by 18 super-wealthy families, according to a report released today by Public Citizen and United for a Fair Economy at a press conference in Washington, D.C. The report details for the first time the vast money, influence and deceptive marketing techniques behind the rhetoric in the campaign to repeal the tax.
It reveals how 18 families worth a total of $185.5 billion have financed and coordinated a 10-year effort to repeal the estate tax, a move that would collectively net them a windfall of $71.6 billion.
The report profiles the families and their businesses, which include the families behind Wal-Mart, Gallo wine, Campbell’s soup, and Mars Inc., maker of M&Ms. Collectively, the list includes the first- and third-largest privately held companies in the United States, the richest family in Alabama and the world’s largest retailer.
These families have sought to keep their activities anonymous by using associations to represent them and by forming a massive coalition of business and trade associations dedicated to pushing for estate tax repeal. The report details the groups they have hidden behind – the trade associations they have used, the lobbyists they have hired, and the anti-estate tax political action committees, 527s and organizations to which they have donated heavily.
In a massive public relations campaign, the families have also misled the country by giving the mistaken impression that the estate tax affects most Americans. In particular, they have used small businesses and family farms as poster children for repeal, saying that the estate tax destroys both of these groups. But just more than one-fourth of one percent of all estates will owe any estate taxes in 2006. And the American Farm Bureau, a member of the anti-estate tax coalition, was unable when asked by The New York Times to cite a single example of a family being forced to sell its farm because of estate tax liability.
“This report exposes one of the biggest con jobs in recent history,” said Joan Claybrook, president of Public Citizen. “This long-running, secretive campaign funded by some of the country’s wealthiest families has relied on deception to bamboozle the public not only about who must pay the estate tax, but about how repealing it will affect the country.”......
magictoy, minimum wage increase legislation cannot be isolated and then denigrated because this is a myopic and a disingenuous tactic. The contention that the "self made" entrepreneur must be protected from government "infringement" that is somehow "parasitic" is a sweet piece of propaganda. Wealth and power are distributed as a result of connections and influence, that could not occur unless the voting power of the masses are undermined.
It is nearly impossible to become wealthy and powerful without manipulating the system and exploiting other people. In a politcal system, a republic with democratically elected, representative bi-cameral government.....like we in the U.S. are taught to believe that we enjoy..... where elected officials actually represented the wishes of the majority, as they respect and uphold the constitutional safeguards intended to protect the interests of the minority, do you really believe that half the population would possess only 2-1/2 percent of the wealth, or that one percent of the population would control 33 percent of the wealth, and the power and influence that accompanies it? A "real" one man, one vote, political system would never arrive at the situation we find ourselve in now, and if it did, it would not maintain itself as it seems currently to do, for any signifigant length of time.
No magictoy....we live in a "fake" politcal environment of smoke and mirrors, produced by the richest and wealthiest, not unlike the scenario described in the last quote box. Why do you insist on protecting it, or to act so certain that it is the best we can do, and should not be used to shift some wealth and some power back to the bottom half.....to 150 million people?
Are the rich so fragile....that if they were to experience a populist legislated transfer away of say.....2-1/2 points of their 66-2/3 accumulated total points....leaving them with more than 64 percent of total U.S. wealth, that their business enterprises would crumble....triggering massive unemployment?
We observe the spectacle of 150 million people who on average are just 2-1/2 wealth percentage points, collectively....away from owning nothing.
Isn't the risk of their reaction, should they wake up one day and recognize that even that little bit of wealth is ebbing away from them.....via higher prices paid for fuel and rent, of equal concern to you, than the "backlash" and consequence of the transfer of wealth away from the wealthy, that an increase of several dollars per hour in the mimumum wage would cause?
You want them to continue to believe that if they work hard enough, do without long enough, study hard long and hard enough, that they too, will "make it". Shouldn't you be equally concerned that they may learn to do the math, while their low paying job buys them less and less, and realize that they have little left to lose? Don't think it can happen here? I predict that the dollar will grow weak enough to effect a sea change in the numbers of people who offer opinions like yours, magictoy, or more importantly....like Rush's, or like that clean cut republican congressman who represents their district and ran on promises of keeping the queers from getting married and on pro-life family values, but who voted for the bankruptcy "reform" law, and against an increase in the minimum wage.....