I think that people call too many people 'friends.' A lot of 'friends' are really acquaintances. I am someone who treasures and tries my best to keep my friends, since they are few and far between. The Talmud (a jewish religious set of books), states that a man with 3 true friends is a rich man. And I fully feel that way. So while I have many acquaintances that can become friends, that you may know, I do not consider most ‘friends’. I have friends who I have met from online that have blossomed in to a true friendship, but I differentiate between most people as friends and acquaintances (I feel people call others best friends and use other terms for the same thing). Either way I always look for new friends, new acquaintances, and new relationships.
So to me the answer is that it creates more superficial friendships (or acquaintances is the term I use). Not that there is anything wrong with it. The nice thing on the internet, is that these friendships tend to have more openness, more honesty more bluntness, since you do not really know the person in everyday life. And these relationships brings a different aspect or type of ‘friend’/ ‘acquaintances’ which can be very good, and sometimes harsh.