A business owner has an absolute right to refuse service to anyone, at any time, for any reason. However; the laws frequently do not recognize this right.
Originally Posted by Gilda
So, just for clarity, are you opposed to civil rights legislation that provides for equal access to housing and employment?
I know this question wasn't directed at me, but I thought it was interesting and decided to answer anyway.
I am personally opposed to "civil rights" legislation that violates
individual rights. The government has no place telling private property owners who to rent or sell their property to, or private businesses who to hire or sell goods/services to (I'm not saying that people should discriminate, but only that they have the right to).
Government institutions (public schools, government jobs, etc.) should not be allowed to discriminate. Pretty much everything the government has and does is paid for with taxpayer money, and people shouldn't be forced to subsidize their own mistreatment.