Originally Posted by Sp0rAdiC
Ya know, just some plants, use your imagination . Thanks for that link Aquafox, now the next question, any tips on a decent not-too-expensive webcam?
Also, the plants will need to be in the dark for about 12 hours a day, I can use green lights to keep it illuminated without disturbing them, but I'd need a camera that could see with the green lights on. This will all be in an area of about... 20"x31" and about 4' tall.
here's my two main sites i buy from when shopping for electronics:
www.tigerdirect.com <--good computer stuff
www.ebay.com <--- what isn't on ebay?
...or just go to bestbuy and pick one up off the shelf!
but you do get what you pay for, check for the quailty of the photos and such... the ones with built in mics can be a pain in the ass if the quailty isn't good.
when i got my webcam, it had webcam games that let you do virtual baseball and bubble popping and stuff, great exercise for a computer game!! but sadly it isn't compatable with winXP
.. it was for 98
also, check into nightvision... i think all you really could need is a decent infared light... cause most consumer cameras can see infared light... if you don't believe me, aim your camera at the tip of your remote control and press a button