what spoils an otherwise great FPS for an FPS addict
It seems like there's always some new PC FPS around the corner that gets overhyped pre-release press.
First off, I used to be one of those fellas you want to have as a friend because I'd purchase every new "revolutionary" FPS off the shelf and give it to my buddies when I'm done. More often than not I'd give away a game before I finished because the "revolutionary" FPS really .... sucked.
Part of the problem is the pre-release hype.
The other part of the problem is that, otherwise terrific, FPS games can be spoiled by a few common fundamental flaws. It's sad when a game that has fantastic graphics and AI is ruined by bad gameplay mechanics.
Here are some bad gameplay design flaws (IMO) that can ruin any game in spite of great graphics, story or concepts:
1.) Slow weapon swap (or reload) scripted actions: I've run into a game or two that had such a slow reload it was comical that I'd be a sitting duck for so long. Sure, I'd adapt my gameplay to seek cover more often but that's not the point ... if you play a lot of FPS games you know what I'm talking about. There comes a point where slow scripted weapon swaps are too slow to even be playable.
2.) No weapon zoom for "sighted fire." OK this one is only relevant to more recent games. But I consider this feature essential now because the ability to use my sights quickly even in close quarters is what I trained to do in real life. When they started adding that to FPS games I was excited - now I can't do without it.
3.) Zoom feature is too slow: I only encountered this once or twice (I forgot the name of the game but it's a recent WW2/ sci-fi FPS demo I played). Maybe it's only me who likes to quickly use the zoom to target head shots quickly on targets within 50 yards ... but a "slow" transition to zoom mode makes this impossible. Seems like the developers assumed that the zoom is only for sniping. Again, this is just IMO. I have no idea how many of y'all can relate
4.) Too many long cutscenes that can't be skipped. I like a game with a lot of replay value. But the cutscenes aren't helpful when you're playing it for the 3rd or 4th time around.
5.) "Bullet time" - 'cause it's been done to death.
6.) When the game is all about explosions, fire and noise. I loved Doom 3 because of the suspense and the graphics. Sure, it was a "B" movie experience ... but it was a GREAT "B" movie experience. Then the expansion pack came out ... which discarded all the suspense and made it all about noise, screaming and hellfire. It was annoying then got boring fast ... I never finished the expansion.
7.) Wimpy gun sound effects. OK. I love guns. I'm a shooter and own an AR a FAL and several .45s (mainly 1911s and one HK USPC) a .40 Glock, a Browning Hi-Power 9mm, etc... Guns go "BOOM!" There's no excuse when a game has wimpy gun sounds ... it just feels like I'm playing with airsoft weapons or a supersoaker. Even a space-ray gun or blaster ought to have a little impact. Doom 3 made decent sounds ... Quake 4 had wimpy sounds. F.E.A.R. has EXCELLENT sounds. G.R.A.W. also has EXCELLENT sounds with the ambient report of guns fired in a city (like the bank robbery scene in "Heat").
Anyway ... that's all I can think of for now. Maybe you disagree but this is just my opinion and I had to let it out.