Thank you for clarifying what you were saying...
perhaps breaking the summer visit up into 2 seperate visists 2 weeks at a time w/ a month or so in between would benefit both your daughter and her Dad. I think that this might help calm some of the boredom for both parties, and would probably help them develop a closer relationship. I don't have too much issue with the soda deal at all, he IS the parent, she IS the daughter.
You need to make her go unless you have good reason to strongly suspect actual abuse, or neglect to the point where it's dangerous for her to be there. Keep in mind that she is 10...and if she's anything like my 12 y.o. daughter was @ 10, or is now, she is likely very dramatic. Keep in mind that she is not an adult, and doesn't process or react to things with the same maturity as an adult. Therefore you have to realize that when she says he tells her to be quiet so he can work, he may be saying that to her right before he gets on the phone with a client. I think you may just be getting one side of the picture here and need to have an adult conversation (without making any accusations at all) with your ex.