I wont lose any sleep tonight if a homosexual couple gets married. Bravo to them for taking the plunge. There are two major causes of opposition: 1) Religion 2) Lack of Openmindedness. The church though based on rules such as "love one another" "judge not lest ye be judged" "let ye who is without sin cast the first stone" "preach not on deaf ears" they teach their "members" to be judgemental and intolerant of anything not just like them. Hellfire and brimstone and its YOUR job to go fix them. They should butt out and mind their own business. If a gay couple wants to get married, is that going to make their pizza taste bad tonight?
Others say they do not want their children being exposed to such "gayness" as holding hands and kissing in public. Wakie wakie and smell the eggs and sausage bucko! Your kids watch tv? Go to school? Then they see it in the halls. If they manage to live into adult hood they are going to see it. Why make it such a shock? This will make them into haters as well. It is a viscious circle and I wish it would stop.
Most homosexual couples I know pretty much keep to themselves and have a few close friends. Why cant the intolerant people follow their example and mind their own business too?