Originally Posted by savvypup
And that still being the case, who's being hurt here?
Excellent question. I've been pro gay marriage for a while now, but I was raised Lutheran, so I did at one time dissaprove of homosexuality (becase I didn't know any better). My understanding is this: the Bible is God's word; everything in the Bible, at least to a christian or pseudo-christian (someone who only attends church on Easter and Christmas, but at the same time pretends to know the bible like the back of their hand), homosexuality is completly and totally banned without any question or doubt. Several churches have
excommunicated homosexuals for not repenting. It's a very serious belief that cannot be overstated (whether it's serious becuase of actual faith or political reasons depends from person to person). Most christians believe that the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin. Allowing homosexuals to get married in the church is like condoning the sin (I imagine that the see it like allowing prostitution in the narthex after church along with coffee and cake).
The problem is that not only do many conservatives (not just Christians, many Jews and Muslims feel the same) do not understand the necessary seperation of church and state when your government isn't a theocracy. Many countries are "free" countries, allowing civil liberties by law. This, to me, means that homosexuality should be recognised in legal marriage, but churches cannot be forced to marry them.