Tilted Cat Head
Location: Manhattan, NY
Originally Posted by host
The CEO is no more than a criminal, parasite who carves out obscene profits by exploiting the labor of workers who he pays the lowest possible wage...then he pulls up stakes, leaving them to live unemployed, in a local environment polluted with industrial wastes generated by his corporation. The CEO is off to the next obscure corner of the world where he can operate unfettered by environmental or labor protection regulation....where he can pay wages of 60 cents per hour, or less....
Cynthetiq, in the face of a recent history of CEOs such as GE's Jack Welch, who was regarded in the business community, as "America's most admired CEO", after he took every penny of U.S. taxpayer money he could con from the U.S. government, layed off nearly half of GE's U.S. manufacturing workforce, required all GE suppliers to move their manufacturing from the U.S. to Mexico, resisted all demands to conduct operations anywhere in an environmentally responsible and accountable manner, and authored the "factory on a barge", concept of harvesting the cheapest labor in the world with the least environmental and worker welfare regulation, I see no justification for your comments.
The CEOs of the worlds largest companies have left nothing but poverty, pollution, unemployed workers and ripped-off taxpayers in every locale that they have since abandoned in pursuit of still lower labor cost and less regulated manufacturing "opportunities".
You seem to advocate kissing their asses in the hope that they will provide some of us a few fleeting "crumbs", even as they loot our national treasury, lobby against the interests of the rest of us, and pollute the few prisitine places that their factories have not already contaminated. Can't an equally persuasive case be made for reacting to them the way Italian partisans did to Mussolini and his mistress?
I'm sorry but CEOs don't make decisions in a vacuum. They bring their ideas to the Board of Directors and the shareholders. The BoD votes before things that affect the stock price happen, such as moving operations overseas, launching huge new initiatives like a new product like iPod or minivan.
Keep in mind that shareholders demand profits. They demand to get better returns than last year. Like a baseball manager that doesn't keep winning the world series, BoDs like to oust their CEOs when profits plateau or worse fall.
Yes, the top dogs of CEOs have left the fields of the world ravaged, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Ted Turner, Sumner Redstone... 
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.