One of the mothers that I worked with was misdiagnosed by a doctor who told her she had a severe yeast infection at 8 months into her pregnancy. She went into labor and they delivered the baby vaginally. She was a healthy child for about two weeks and then developed severe encephalopathy (commonly known as "water on the brain") and became neurologically devastated. She could breathe on her own and respond to pain, sound, light, etc. but was fed through a g-tube. The herpes virus had infected her brain during the birth. This is a severe case of a mother with an active outbreak and vaginal birth. And a docotr who didn't spend enough time with his patient and did not test her when he should have. The baby passed away in her sleep under Hospice care at 18 months old from cardiac arrest and respiratory failure.
BUT... this mother was taking her Valtrex prior to getting pregnant again and even before she started dating her boyfriend. He has tested negative for the past year. She gave birth via c-section to a perfectly "normal", healthy (FAT!) baby boy in May. Your cousin needs an OB-GYN with high risk experience. No matter what else is going on with her, she needs to insist on them treating it as a "high-risk pregnancy" to ensure that she and her child are receiving the best monitoring and care they can receive. That's my two cents, any way.
Here's how life works: you either get to ask for an apology or you get to shoot people. Not both. House
Originally Posted by Plan9
Just realize that you're armed with smart but heavily outnumbered.
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. Ayn Rand