Originally Posted by Psycho Dad
BTW, when does this thing end? And I take it a vote can be cast every day?
From the rules:
Deadline for voting is June 29, 2006. Only one vote per person per day will be allowed. Results of the voting will be announced on the Wake Up Westchester Morning Show on June 30, 2006.
Oh...and as of midnight, Christine and Bill had 56.21% of the
daily vote to Melissa and Mike's 41.02%. My guess...Christine and Bill are doing the same thing. Question is...are we TFPers going to allow some other message board to outdo us? I guess we'll know on the 30th.

On the up side, though...Melissa and Mike hold 57.96% of
all votes. But if they don't get those dailies up, they won't hold that lead.