The worst thing I've ever done? Beat a one armed foreign exchange student with his own prostetic arm.
Yeah, sounds bad I know, but please let me explain. He was from Austria, and quite frankly he was a dick. He was fairly small (5'8, 150lbs), but from day one he bullied pretty much everyone he could. Because he had one arm, and was an exchange student to boot, he was more or less untouchable. I was larger than him by about 30lbs so he never tried it on me, but after 4 months I got a bit sick of it.
So one I saw him standing over a friend of mine punching him in the face. This was in the quad (lots of people able to see), I went up and pushed him off and tried to help my friend up. So he started throwing punches at me, I simply deflected them and pushed him back down to help my friend up (which he had interruped). This went on for another minute or two, where I was fed up. So instead of pushing him down again I took his arm off and smacked him accross the face a couple times.
Needless to say there was a scandal in the small town. All the faculty officially were outraged (though most knew what was going on), and the kid's exchange family wanted me expelled. The issue was pushed back time and time again until he finally left. I never got in trouble, but I did get one hell of a story to tell over a few beers.