Originally Posted by kutulu
If you have a magical solution that incorporates reality into it, I'd love to see it.
Coming up with a way to help those who do not earn enough to live above poverty is certainly a noble cause and I don't have a solution except maybe more government control of wages and/or a reverse income tax.
With the minimum wage law our government isn't giving the minimum wage earners anything but is instead telling us that if we hire someone we must pay them more than a certain amount regardless of our ability to do so.
I wasn't being completely sarcastic when I said if 7.50 is good maybe 15.00 is better. I don't have a good understanding of what a 7.50/hr minimum wage would do to the economy and what difference it would make if it was 15.00/hr or 3.00/hr.
I guess if every business, restaurant, landscapper, etc.. had to pay their workers 30K per year then no one would have a competitive advantage over another but prices would probably go up and patrons would fall off so some would have to close. This may happen anyway with the 7.50/hr proposal. Also as wages go up some businesses will probably have trouble competing on the international market.