It seems as if most of you are talking about a particular man in your lives. You all sound very happy and for that congrats!!
As for me, and this may sound corny, I love the little things that make us so different. I don't know if that makes any sense...
I love how excited they get over tools, cars, sports, or gravel.
I love how they never stop trying to impress us. "Yeah he went bungee jumping, but I went skydiving!!"
I love how dirty hands are wiped on jeans.
I love how they get dirt under their nails, and then lick ketchup off their fingers without giving it a thought.
I love how tough and in command they are..until we decide to put our foot down
I love their hands and arms, especially of men who do types of manual labor. It means they know how to use those hands and arms
I love how, no matter how old, all men are still little boys. For example of this ask how many "men" on this board are excited to see the new Superman movie
I love how in an age where chivaly is gone, men can still be our knights in shining armor. Drop a ring in the garbage or run into a snake and see who comes to your rescue
God my list sounds so poetic and corny lol.
Don't laugh...