Originally Posted by ARTelevision
No matter how much they try, parents are losing any ability to influence or control their kids because of titanic external forces and it's hardly their fault. Blaming parents for the ills of this or any society is too easy an answer. It sounds good but it doesn't change, answer, or solve anything.
If the parents supervised the use of the internet, this wouldn't happen.
If they can't supervise the use of the internet, then guess what, the kid doesn't get to play on the internet all day. Put the computer in a central location,
not in their bedroom, and educate the kid BEFORE they log on as to the dangers of being online- i.e., do not give out any personal info.
If this were done, these things would not happen with anywhere near the frequency that they do. The internet for a 14 year old is not a right, it's a priviledge.
So, yes, parental control would actually solve this problem. Absolutely. And if the parent is feeling SO overwhelmed by all this technology, then take the internet away completely except for use as reference for school. And you do this by supervising, using parental control software to restrict access to sites other than those they need for school work, and actually giving a shit enough to take the time to raise your kid, rather than plopping them in front of the TV or computer and letting the internet raise them.