My Workout Schedule
Here is my current workout schedule for the summer. I dont go to the gym, I have a bench and dumbbells at my apt. Feel free to give me any input--praises or critiques. I am a fan of isolation exercises and not full body workouts just bc I have seen great results with it.
Monday – Chest
Dumbell Press (flat and incline)
Dumbell Flyes (flat)
Decline Dumbell Press
Pushups- normal, close, spread, elevated (burnout)
Tuesday – Legs
Dumbbell Calf Raises (weight for 20 but to burn quick)
Dumbbell Lunges
Dumbell Squats
Leg Extensions
Wednesday – Biceps, Forearm
Barbell Curls
Incline Bench Curls (I sit on a bech with and incline and simply curl with dumbbells)
Reverse Curl
Wrist Curls (over and under grip)
Wrist Roller (I tie a rope to wooden
Thursday – Traps, Shoulders
Upright Barbell Row
Military Press
One Arm Dumbbell Side Laterals (forward and side)
Friday – Back and Triceps
One Arm Dumbbell Row (middle back, biceps & lats) - heavy
Bent over Barbell Row
Tricep Kickbacks
Abs everyday- 8 min ab, etc.
Drink lots of liquids
Vitamins, L-carnitine
Creatine/NO Xplode