Tilted Cat Head
Location: Manhattan, NY
Originally Posted by pan6467
If I'm the CEO of any company, trust me I would gladly pay 50% if I just cashed in $300+million.
I can also guarantee that had I cashed in all 10 million shares and not just my portion the price would have taken a bigger hit. I would have gotten less, and then taxed on that to where I probably would have paid more in taxes and made less money.
If you truly read the post you could see I explained that. But here's a recap:
Quite simply, when 10 MILLION shares hit the market the price drops and Apple is responsible for buying the stock back. The other chunk, 4.57 MILLION shares was given to the government as STOCK. So they undoubtedly cashed it in for less than Jobs did. So to say they didn't lose any is a pipe dream, plus to say that they won't lose any from Apple's taxes (because the buyback of the stock is a tax write off to some degree) not to mention the loss that Apple takes paying to buy back that stock.
Ah but there in lies the rub, computer programs run the game now for the institutional investors and they buy and sell based on certain scenarios.... a CEO selling millions is a certain scenario.
Plus, while companies do still offer dividends (didn't say they didn't said they are a dying breed, I did), the dividends that most companies pay are truly nothing like they were. Before people could do well off the dividends, now, not so much. And don't give me the "inflation" BS because if that is the case then the divedends would have gone up also, instead they have increasingly shrunk.
Dividends use to show how secure a company was, and it encouraged the truly conservative investor.
Thios was NOT an attack on Jobs personally, but on the system as a whole. Perhaps, Apple can afford it, but GM, Ford, Maytag, Sears/K-Mart, Enron, Adelphia, and so on might not be BUT they do it or have done it. And those companies are taking hits.
Wait until Apple has no money in R&D because they had to pay out the stock, or wait till Apple can't pay raises, hire good people in at competitive wages, this type of hit isn't going to show overnight, it will take time.
That's why in the last 6 months, even 3 months it has been dropping like a rock??????
If you look at the industry their P/E is roughly 5% higher than the industry average.
Please by all means invest your money into a company with at this moment in time a 30 P/E........... please.... invest your whole savings.... by all means try to prove me wrong about P/E.
(I think you'll see Apple fall to around 45-47/share before the next year.... but I maybe wrong.)
Stevo, I was in the stock business, I was a broker and I know what I am talking about. If you are so hot on it, invest in it and hold it for a year, I can almost guarantee that what Jobs has done will hurt the company and you'll see a loss, if you are very lucky the full ramifications won't have hit and you'll break even.
And again, this WASN'T just about Steve Jobs, it was about CEO's and what they are doing to their companies by using these tactics to avoid paying taxes. (And yes, it is to avoid paying taxes..... NO ONE ON THIS FUCKING PLANET NEED TO MAKE OVER $200 MILLION A YEAR...... HOW MUCH DID APPLE MAKE IN THOSE 3 YEARS?????????????????)
He made $600 MILLION in 3 years, that's $200 million a year in those 3 years.... how much did Apple make? How much did they pay investors on the dividends????? How much of a percentage went to pay the worker bee? And how much as a percentage went into ONE MAN'S POCKET??????
That's what I thought.....
BoDs approve this type of compensation. SEC approves this kind of compensation packages.
companies like Whole Foods don't like these kinds of packages, and they have internal limits as to how much the CEO can make in comparison to the lowest paid employee. That is their choice to make as a company, just like Apple's choice to make.
Think back to when Jim Scully used to run Apple. He ran it into the ground. He obviously didn't deserve to get compesated anything like this. When he left the stock price was around $15 and dropped to about $13 IIRC. Where is it now that Jobs is there? What has he done for Apple in the past 7 years?
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