I work in high tech, and the only co-workers I know that have a BS in Physics also have an MS or PhD in something as well. Not to mention, it seems like anybody with no work experience being hired by High Tech is required to have a graduate degree. That's just the nature of the high tech job market right now.
I was like you are right now, but ~15 years ago. I graduated with an engineering degree in a tough job market, but I was sick of school and had no desire to go to grad school. I must have sent out my resume to 200 companies, but got maybe 5 interviews, and all of them said I was competing with people with experience and graduate degrees.
Finally, I just went to work at a local factory working in a testing lab (this time I was competing against associates degrees with my BS degree and got hired). While there, I met the right people, and within a couple of years I was working in one of the most elite departments in the company, and I have been there ever since.
My advice would be to either bite the bullet and go to grad school (I wish I had done that now), or do what I did and start small, get known, and move up gradually.