Originally Posted by Dilbert1234567
It’s called drum roll please
I talked with the nurses at work, and they thought I was talking about lipoma, I checked it out on WebMD and this is what my doc said I had. Read up about it, just don’t GIS it, unless you have a strong stomach (Ewwwwww)
Imperfections like that I think are cool and really make the person.
That's gotta be it! Dilbert, you're my hero!
"The cause of lipomas is not completely understood, but the tendency to develop them is inherited. A minor injury may trigger the growth".
I know for a fact that no one else in my family has had this before so I the only other possible cause I can think of is the two accidents I had on my bike two years ago.
And they're harmless, phew! Finally I can stop worrying about it! ^_^
I'm going to keep this information though, so that I know the symptoms, should the lipomas develop..