The company I work for starts employees at $8.50 to $11.50 per hour for the most basic of assembly jobs. Many people in one department get hired at $15.50 to $19.00 per hour with the expectation that we may still need to proivide a great deal of training. However we are talking about manufacturing jobs that many people don't enjoy. Work can be hot, dirty and outright boring. But I work for a company owned by a man who knows he gets what he pays for and not run by a board of directors looking out for their own asses. These jobs also include a half way decent insurance level of health insurance coverage, sick pay, vacation, 401k, etc. Yet we still have people who return to fast food jobs rather than come to work every day ready to follow procedures, work safely and work towards a quality product. Not that I'm saying fast food workers are having a cakewalk. I just don't understand why someone would opt for a minimum wage job with no benefits over a better paying job with good benefits. I suppose my opinions would be different were I to live somewhere else, but I'd half like to see where we would be with no minimum wage.
Don't always trust the opinions of experts.