Originally Posted by Halx
I'm quite excited about this movie. Going back to James Bond's first adventure as a 00. Daniel Craig doesn't really LOOK like James Bond, but maybe thats exactly what is needed. Though I love it, the franchise suffers from being too corny at times.
If you read the Ian Fleming novels, you can see very quickly that while James has a sense of humor, there are none of the corny and played out cliches. These are mystery novels that rely on excellent characters, inspired storylines that include uncanny knowledge of the world of international espionage, and sensual love scenes and tension. The movies drifted away from that long ago and really never made it back. From Russia with love is probably the best interpretation of the novel so far.
Originally Posted by Halx
Shame about that fucking ice castle.
Shame that Halle was wearing thick leather in ice water instead of a t-shirt.