So suing a company which has done nothing wrong other than provide a service that millions of people enjoy and use responsibly because a few people out there are too careless/stupid/etc. to protect themselves is a practical solution to the problem?
I don't see why people who use things that carry a potential risk get to say, "Hey, it's not my fault, the person who created the product didn't do enough to protect me" She chose to use MySpace. She chose to meet someone she met on myspace. She got duped and she got raped. Not to say it isn't a horrible thing to have happen to someone, but I fail at all to see either how MySpace could do anything to prevent it from happening (short of requiring credit cards to confirm age, which most high schoolers-a major target audience for them-don't have anyway) or why she shouldn't be held accountable for the fact that she made bad decisions that had bad consequences. There's one person against whom any legal action is appropriate, and that's the rapist.
If they win, we can safely say that personal responsibility has left the building.