When a person makes the choice to become a parent... they've got at least 18 years of responsibility in front of them. One of those responsibilities is knowing what their demon spawn is up to... Kid won't talk? Figure out how to make them talk... Cultivate a relationship with the spawn so that they do talk.
Parenting is not easy and probably 40 percent of the parents out there (and I'm lowballing that number) should not be parents. It's like people who get a puppy for christmas because it's cute and squirmy - then it turns into a dog that wont stop barking and the dog goes to the pound - all because the owner failed in training it. Kids are no different, only there's no kiddie pound. People like babies... babies are cute and sweet and sometimes smell good.. but those babies become teenagers and unless the parent did their job when the kid was a puppy... the parent is in for a world of hurt.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.