Originally Posted by james t kirk
The logic seems to be, "well, if the population can sustain it, it's ok to hunt them and kill them."...
I seem to be the only romantic on this board. Most of you seem to be purely based on mathmatics and logic.
Personally, I'm not fond of whale hunting (or dolphin hunting, or non-human primate hunting or human primate hunting

), but I understand why people hunt whales and why people eat whales. I think that it is reasonable as long as the population can sustain it. It's what I believe. I don't think that it is any less valid than a belief based on romantic notions of non-human animals.
Don't worry kiddo, you'll find out. You mentioned sitting in a library, so i assume you are at college or university somewhere. It's not being cynical, it's called reality. I deal with it every day.
I've been out of college for over a decade and I still find this kind of language mildly offensive. Kiddo? Reality is reality. 18 year olds deal with reality just as much as 40 year olds. It's just a different reality from yours. Age alone doesn't make someone's opinion less valid.