So whales are keeping the dangerous plankton population in check? We kill all the whales, (which doesn't seem to be what the IWC wants to do...), the plankton population increases exponentially and becomes the catalyst for some sea borne cataclysmic event?
I like whales as much as the next guy...All creatures great and small, good karma and all that jazz. There's a certain grace to them and they sing nice, but, in the end, they're still animals and while I think that cruelly killing or killing for fun is pretty distasteful, I have no problem with killing animals in general.
I would think that a large, parliamentary body such as the IWC would know a lot more about whales and the briny sea than me sitting on my butt in a library. So, I'm probably going to trust them when they say 'this needs to be done' regardless of how much I hate those fucking Finns.