Lets see, skeletons in my closet, I don’t think I have any left, I just made soup… humor aside, back in 5th grade, I got in a fight with someone, he started it with a sucker punch to the my back, but I ended it with smashing his face into a cinderblock wall, it sent him to the ER to get the bleeding to stop. I felt so bad, I got really depressed for years, I swore off violence, and stopped standing up for my self, I became passive and submissive, I never raised my fist since, it’s been over a decade since that day. I’ve been over it for a couple of years; I’ve found a happy medium between standing up for my self while still avoiding conflict. And I play enough violent video games to relax me when things get tough.
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"Love is not finding the perfect person, but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." -Sam Keen