Originally Posted by Temporary_User
Thanks for the replies everyone.
When I first got the job, they gave me a binder that shows all the food/drinks and the ingrediants so you can learn them all. Within this binder it tells about a the company policies and other things about the company.
In one section it states:
"we don't hire on experience. instead, we train caring people to be incredible servers."
I know this is ultimately untrue. . .
I've worked for the same company for 29 years. Our company manual has dozens of funny senteneces that are no where near true. It's a sad fact, but get used to that in your future employments. We also have a Vison statement and a Mission statement and both look like they came from the Dilbert mission statement generator. Hope you do well.
And that pen in the company ink thing, very, very dangerous sometimes! Doesn't matter if you are the pen, or the inkwell.