Originally Posted by BigBen
Everything is relative; including regret, sorrow, pain, fear and remorse.
This is a pretty bold thread, and while I appreciate the openness here at TFP, I don't think I will be walking down this path. There are some things best left to the past.
I agree. While it may be good to "purge" the soul...some things truly are best left in the past. Suffice it to say that there are some dark corners in my past. Some
very dark corners. Things that would curl your toes and keep you up at night. There are people whose lives will never be the same because thier paths crossed mine. That is not me...
now. Although I will never be able to make amends...I
have, for the most part, made my peace.
Every single one of us has regrets. Things in our lives that, at
best, we are not very proud of. It is what we do with those things that make us who we are...
now. Some metaphorical skeletons, like thier literal counterparts, are just best left buried.