Originally Posted by Gilda
Sorry, no. That homosexuality is normal and healthy is the consensus conclusion of the medical and psychological community in the US.
Context. In the context of the biological imperative to reproduce and pass on genes, I don't think that "right" and "wrong" are appropriate. Successful and unsuccessful are better suited, I believe.
In the context of what the laws and social mores should be concerning homosexual behaviors, what the physical and psychological effect homosexuality has on the individual and on society, normal and healthy are entirely appropriate descriptors.
I'm paraphrasing from my therapist this afternoon on the causes of homosexuality:
We know almost for certain that male homosexuality is fixed at birth and is caused primarily or exclusively by variant hormone levels during gestation. Most gay males tend to identify as such prior to puberty, often as early as four or five. All of the evidence, both biological and psychological, is consistent with this explanatiion. The evidence is not quite as strong, but points to a similar, though different, cause for MTF transsexuality.
Female homosexuality has been less studied, and thus much less is known at this point about the origins, but it seems to be a case of multiple causes leading to the same effect. The most common correlation is that lesbians as a class tend to be much more likely to have had at least one male abuser in their pasts, usually in childhood, than straight women. In at least some cases lesbianism seems to be chosen, while in others it seems to have been present from puberty or earlier. Multiple factors influencing and leading to the same result. It's all natural, though.
Homosexuality is normal, and it is healthy, no argument there, i wouldn't in a social context use the words abnormal, wrong e.t.c because it simply isn't. If its what works for you, and it isn't hurting anyone else, knock yourself out as far as i'm concerned. Some people are stupid in their views, but its the times we live in unfortunatly.
From a genetics point of view, which is the only way i use the words, it is wrong to be homosexual. To say a gene is sucessful or unsucessful would imply that it is affecting something that does or does not mean it survives over the course of generations, not rather an induvidual extinction at the end of the induviduals life.
I wouldn't say causes of male homosexuality are related to hormonal levels, the human brain is suprisngly adept at doing odd things. It is interesting the reasons you state for female homosexuality, its never really occured to me to think about the causes.