I must say I'm somewhat mixed on these findings. On the one hand, it may finally help silence the idiots that insist homosexuals choose their sexuality.
I've always thought it stupid to believe a homosexual would choose to be homosexual when that would also be choosing to be ostracized, belittled, and sometimes attacked, perhaps even killed.
However, I'm somewhat disturbed by the fact that we have to use the argument that homosexuals did not choose to be homosexuals.
Who cares if they did? I thought America was about freedom of choice. Seems absurd to toss that concept out the window just because it's a choice you don't like, when that choice won't effect you in any way. A random homosexual is not going to threaten my sexuality or my relationships. Even if he did choose to be homosexual, why should that disturb anyone.
I'm personally ready for Americans to stop acting holier-than-thou regarding other nations, and spewing bullshit about freedom and liberty, but then turning around and trying to keep everyone from doing anything that they wouldn't do themselves.