20 June 06, I recieved 2 more e-mails, 1 from the orgional scammer, and another from the "BARRISTER" that they told me to send an e-mail to.
Here is the email from the "BARRISTER"
Subject: From The Desk Of Barrister Gbenga Tilo
Attn: Jaeret Sexton.
We acknowledge with thanks your e-mail . regarding the death of your uncle,
Engr. Richard Burson Sexton.
We confirm that we have considerable experience in Probate matters
especially in relation to deceased foreign Nationals with assets in Nigeria
and therefore will be able to advise you.
Before we proffer any detailed advice however, we will need certain
information about the deceased. As a preliminary point, please provide us
with answers to the following questions if you can:
(1) Which state did he Reside in Nigeria.
(2) Provide his death and deposit certificate with Equity Development Bank.
If you are his closest surviving relative, it simplifies matters and we can
procure a lot of vital information on your behalf in a relatively short
In any event, the first step is to find out whether he made a Will.
Quite often, testators deposit copies of their Wills at the Probate Registry
in the High Court ,of the State in which they reside. We can make enquiries
at the Probate Registry and advise you of our discoveries as a Will is a
public document, this will be a fairly straight forward task.
However, we shall provide you with details of our investigation and also
what it will cost you to process your inheritance claim with the probate
high court.
Expect to hear from us soon.
Yours Faithfully,
Barrister Gbenga Tilo.
Hmmm, not good news, they used my real name here, I wonder what I can do about that...
Here is what I sent back to the good Barrister
Attn: gbenga tilo,
Dear sir,
My name is Brian Griffin Sexton, I have not gone by "Jaeret" since my school days, and even then, it was just a nickname. Please keep all business matters relating to this case updated with my legal name, for it is against the law to use a nick name in all financial matters. I think I used this name when I sent the first e-mail. My name on all business matters is legally Brian Griffin Sexton, or just Brian Sexton, thanks. I hope this does not come up again, because I want to keep everything legal, please let me know,
God Bless your eyes, Brian Griffin Sexton
I figure that should shut him up, I almost completely forgot I used my actual name when opening that yahoo account many many many years ago... oh well, like it matters.
The next e-mail I got was sent from Barr. Thomas Cole, the original scammer,
It reads
Dear Brian Griffin Sexton,
I recieved your mail and i am not happy because i told you that this transaction should be kept strictly confidential between both of us alone, so i want you to stop all negotiation with the attorney in your country and please do not disclose this transaction to him or any body for security reasons. And you becoming to betray the confidence i have from you.
Brian, i will only send the certificates to you in only one condition, which is this that you stop all negotiation with the attorney in your country, why i send you the name of some of the best probate attorney here in my country is that they are going to stand on your behalf there in my country. I have the 2 certificates in my possesion the deposit and death certificates of my late client, which is the only legal proof to the bank so i cannot release them to you, if you will contuning contact the attorney in your country or anybody about this transaction.
Listen Brian, i ask you to tell the probate attorney that my late client is your uncle, you and i know that you are not related to my late client. This is a lifetime opportunity for both of us to enrich ourselves and various family. By saying your merely family is the same as saying he is your uncle, any which way is ok by me.
This is the next step immediately you get any correspondent mail from the probate attorney forward it to me for instructions and advice and always check your mail as often because you have contacted the probate attorney and he might need some information from you.
I want you to send to your private telephone number or please go to phone booth and buy a international calling card and give me a call on my mobile number + 234 80 23770379 as soon as you read this mail.
Thankk for your understanding,
Thomas Cole.
Oh noes! he's mad at me! /weep
I am writing my response to him right now, and I will update this when it is finished.
If anyone has any advice on what they want said to this ass-clown, let me know! But just so you know, my main goal is to get this bastard to hold up a sign that says TFPROJECT.ORG IS AWESOME
I sent Mr. Cole an e-mail,
Here it goes
Dear Thomas Cole,
I received an e-mail from the barrister you suggested to me, but I am not sure I want to work with him, in his official documents, he used my nick name, one I have not used since primary school. I am not sure of the policies in your country, but in mine, any names used in financial documents must use the legal name. I have told him so, and I hope he understands this, It would not be good to have this complicate our business.
I have also broke communication with my attorney as per your request. He was upset because of this, but I told him that any business I had with you was my own. I think he was more upset because he will not get his cut of the 10.5 million dollars!
The other matter of business I must discuss with you is the matter of the calling card, I have looked around my town, and I am unable to fine an international calling card, I checked with my mobile phone company, and they told me that there are able to change my service so as I am able to make and receive international calls. I told them to do so, but it will be at a great expense to me, and extra $56US a month. This might not seem like much to you, but I am a man of meager means, it is true, I have come into a large sum of money, but it has not cleared yet, and is still tied up in legal proceedings with the charity that is giving me the money.
It will be a little while before my mobile will be able to receive and make international calls, so I hope to talk with you soon! I expect that it won't take more than 2-3 weeks.
May god bless us in this deal, and your eyes respectively,
This should keep him off my back for a little bit about calling him, soon I will start to really screw with him! 
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.
Last edited by Crack; 06-20-2006 at 02:53 PM..