Originally Posted by quicksteal
My argument about homosexuality is that it may be perfectly natural for some, but that doesn't mean that it is appropriate to engage in homosexual behavior. I believe that it is a self-serving sexual act that is done in the exclusion of love (I make the same argument about heterosexual sex outside of marriage). But then again, these are my values, and while I stand by them, they have no bearing on the scientific understanding of homosexuality.
Hey man, at least you're honest, and you don't claim to justify your values with science. A lot of people can (and will) do worse.
Still, I confess that I find it hard to believe that you think extramarital sex (of either hetero- or homosexual persuasion) is in the "exclusion of love." i.e., that love can only exist within marriage, and certainly only heterosexual marriage for that matter. The corellary is that love MUST exist in all marriages, since all are "sanctioned" by your values. Have you never seen a loveless, yet legal marriage? And have you never seen lifelong, unselfish love between two people who were legally unmarried?
I realize that these are your values, and thus it isn't much use to discuss them (and may be a threadjack as well), but I would like to know more about the sociological context in which you were raised (country, culture, religion, and languages spoken). That is the only way for me to understand ethnocentrism (understandably a very human characteristics, but one that bothers me all the same)... because in traveling and seeing other cultures, exposing oneself to other worldviews, one cannot help but see that marriage guarantees nothing about love, and love certainly exists outside of marriage.