I think people are taking that right to sue to new lows so they don't have to answer to accountability-they can just be stupid, place blame and get that new house.
Not only was the mother totally lax but the daughter obviously doesn't pay any attention either. School's, PSA's, various media all preach the 'do not's' to kids; don't give out personal info over the internet is the most prevailant, followed by don't arrange meetings with people you have 'met' over the internet. Funny how they'll listen to and copy the stupid goings-on of celebrities but the common sense warnings, they think don't apply to them. (every kid thinks they're smarter than everyone else, even experts)
Having a 14 year old daughter that uses Myspace and AIM, I make sure she's not being 'stupid'-I randomly ask her to show me her Myspace, will read over her shoulder as she IM's and we discuss repeatedly the basic 'rules'. Any refusal or hiding on her part takes away her computer privileges.
I feel badly that the girl was raped-that shouldn't happen. But put yourself in a lion's den, expect to get eaten.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.