The whole issue of morals and society standards is why i like to keep to a genetics point of view. I am unashamedly a Dawkinite.
All your genes want to do is propogate, and they have developed increasingly more complex ways of doing that.
We are simply here because our genes have managed to survive in us better than they have done in neanderthals for example. They propogate by making babies. The mind is just another way of ensuring babies happen, put bluntly. From that point of view, homosexuality is 'wrong', and heterosexuality is 'right'.
Please understand, there is no species thinking by your genes, they are only interested in themselves. They arn't aware of the species, they're not aware of anything. Species arise because genes progogate, species mating choice arises because that just happens to be the path those genes took because it worked for them. Ants got the idea of a queen, armadilos have triplets, severums mate for life, and so do humans (most of the time). Theres no going back to the drawing board, you either succeed, or go die taking your genes with you. If a problem is bad enough, everyone dies and the species becomes extinct
I'm not saying that from a society point of view its wrong, far from it, it can be healthy (from a mental standpoint) behaviour.
The whole concept of homosexuality is, as i previously said, because of the fact we have minds to understand our behaviours.
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