America has devolved into being a society of victims. During the 50's and 60's, a time of sweeping social reform, the courts began viewing everyone that had a claim as being legitimate. If you were wronged and said so, then it must BE so. The courts didn't seem to recognize that frivolity might prosper and replace good old-fashioned American know-how and common sense. To me, this case is yet another brick in that terrible wall. Why bother thinking for yourself - let the courts do it for you.
Human activity can NOT be regulated without judgment by other humans, and it is a very dangerous (anti-survival) idea that the words of laws and regulations can offer safety and freedom from judgment. No matter how tough or stringent laws and regulations are written, you still get hurt if you don't watch your own ass (in her case, literally).
On a daily basis, Americans feel more and more like our society is falling apart and that things aren't working right anymore. This is the place to start. We need courts (specifically judges) that will look at this case and say, "Lady, you fucked up. When you have children, your entire world should revolve around raising them and teaching them how to behave if no one is looking. That is the very definition of responsibility - and a society needs responsible people, not just obedient ones. This also takes an enormous amount of your time since there is no quick and easy way to raise a responsible child. Therefore, you will have to learn to sacrifice some of your own pleasure and hobbies for your child's sake. It was a tragedy and I'm sorry for your daughter's pain. Now get the hell out of my court."
Living is easy with eyes closed.
Last edited by warrrreagl; 06-20-2006 at 05:19 AM..