Originally Posted by maleficent
Ah... so mom didn't pay attention to what her underage child was doing on line... underage child got in way over her head and bad things happened... I feel bad for the child... but not 30 million dollars bad.
Mom has to take some responsibility here-- i personally get the charm behind myspace, but come on already...they have stuff in place, if they were to require a credit card verification... what's to stop the precocious brat from stealing mom's credit card?
Bingo, where there is a will there is a way! Mom should have possibly been spending quality time with lil miss susie instead of letting her play online unattended. It's too bad that it happened but how is suing myspace going to help?
You get shot with a gun who do you sue? The person that shot you or the person who made the gun? You get hit by a car while crossing the street... who do you sue? The person that hit you or the person who made the car?
You get food poisoning because the chicken was undercooked... who do you sue? The person that cooked the chicken or the person that plucked it?
Common sense isnt that common but then again I feel the mother is mostly at fault therefore I am not overly suprised at who she is suing... she obviously isnt very bright. Its a shame that the daughter has to pay for the overall negligence and I hope if the man did commit said crime that they hang him out to dry.
The views and opinions posted above are the sole opinioins of the poster and are probably not shared by the rest of the forum. The above was not meant to start an argument nor was it meant to be taken offensively, it is simply my views.