Originally Posted by Gilda
Homosexuality is a normal, healthy variant of human sexuality. It isn't a disease, doesn't mean that you have faulty genes or a brain that's wired wrong, and it isn't in the least harmful to the individual organism. It also isn't harmful on a species-wide level unless it reaches the prevelance that makes it so that the population cannot be maintained at a healthy sustainable level.
This is why the whole conversation gets messy. Humans can think and organize ourselves into more categories and into more complex social structures than animals. Thus, as far as the human condition is concerned, homosexuality is neither harmful to the society nor to the individual biologically because we can compensate for it.
That being said, the purpose of an organism's existance from the most fundamental of perspectives is to pass on its genetic material to the next generation. As you pointed out Gilda, homosexuals can and do still have children, but that's purely a mechanism of humanity's mastery of science. Good or bad, humans have done a lot of things that can't and aren't supposed to happen naturally. In a perfect scenario, without human tinkering, there is no way for two gay organisms to reproduce. They can't mate with one another, and they can't/don't want to mate with a member of the opposite sex.
Biologically speaking, keeping in mind that the biological imperative is to pass on genetic material to another generation, homosexuality does mean that the brain is wired wrong. The organism does not want to do the single thing that it exists to do: reproduce. A gay male fly that won't mate with a female fly has failed to do one of the few things it's capable of doing (mating, eating, pooping, sleeping), and since eating, pooping and sleeping all exist to keep the fly alive long enough to mate, he's kind of failed at all of them. From a purely biological standpoint, something is wrong with it because it's not passing on its genes and propagating its species.
The question with humans gets messy, because it all kind of boils down to how much you think humans are animals who think too much of themselves and how much you think we really are a meaningful evolutionary step beyond animals and should think of ourselves as such. The whole point of the article is that, biologically, gay men and women
are wired
differently than straight men and women. How much of that is innate and how much is learned is not at all clear at the moment, but we do know that there is a biological difference. If the point of a life is to reproduce, then it's wired wrong. If the point of a life is more complicated than that, it's wired differently and it's simply an unexplained variation in human behavior.
Anecdotal evidence has long indicated that being gay or straight isn't a choice like some people would like to believe. Nor do I think they'd really care or be persuaded if there were a clear biological basis for homosexuality either. For the moment, some people have convinced themselves that it's morally abhorrent for whatever reasons. No amount of scientific evidence about its origins will change that belief.