I've got my own financial business up and started - luckily for me tax savings and foreign exchange don't require a ton of money up front start the ball rolling.
On the other side, I'm also getting a startup tech company up and going as well. Unlike the finance side of things, this one is going to require some capital, and some different approaches.
I'm not sure if it fits exactly - but perhaps this article might be a start.
If no "Angel investors, or venture capitalists" decide to play the game with you, just go with DDDDave and charge finders fees to build your current startup to the point where you do have enough money to play on your own.
If you don't mind me asking (feel free to answer in a PM since it doesn't quite fit this discussion topic) what types of investments is your current startup capital sitting in now? Rates of return, etc. I'm playing with a few that are on the medium risk side that return upwards of 30%+ since I'm still young and can play with the risks without losing out on too much.