Originally Posted by xepherys
I've never heard the term used outside of legally mandated affirmative action. Yes, I'm against it entirely if forced upon business owners. Aside from the levying of tax, and some other basic business principles, I believe businesses in the US should be allowed to operate, more or less, as they see fit.
As a corrollary to my earlier post, businesses that do not hire the best possible candidate are doomed to failure. There are occassions where a person's race or physical attributes may make them a better candidate than someone else, but for the most part those are few and far between. For instance, an insurance company hiring an underwriter would put themselves out of business quickly if they hired only based on race instead of experience or some other irrelevant quality. However, if you are going to sell goods and services to Indians (from India), hiring an Indian can be quite beneficial - I worked for a service company years ago that did exactly that and was quite successful with that niche because of it. Hiring male waiters in a strip club is a good way to make sure no one buys any drinks, but hiring the same guy to serve drinks at a downtown businessman's club is a smart business decision.
Again, green is the color that matters. Businesses that don't realize that deserve to fail.