I find it interesting to see some of these responses. But here's my chime-in...
First of all, private businesses do have such a "right" as it is in a true Capitalist society. I do believe that business owners should have those rights. I'll one up that even... I don't believe that there should be "protected" classes at all in regards to private businesses from a servicing or hiring standpoint. While I disagree with biggotry, racism, sexism and the like, I do believe that, as an American, I (or anyone) has a right to be this way. This should extend to businesses (and is one of many reasons I fervently disagree with affirmative action). If I'm a white male middle-class business owner, and I want ALL of my sales associates to be cute, blonde, white girls, I should be able to do this without fear of backlash. If you are offended by these principles, feel free to take your business elsewhere. If I had all of my sales associate be big-booty, ghetto black girls (or some other stereo-type), this would be okay, even though it's STILL a racially driven motivation. It's STILL just as "wrong" but it is socially acceptable. As a straight, white, middle-class American male, I get the shit end of the stick in a lot of ways. There are plenty of college scholarships set aside for: Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, Women, GLBTs, the poor, the wealthy, etc. There are no scholarships just for: white people, men, middle-class. This type of "reverse discrimination", while I detest the verbiage, is actually a downfall for "minoirities". I've said this for years... the WORST way to try to be equal is by demanding special treatment under the law. If I go for an apartment and a chinese owner turns me down because I'm white (no proof involved), I am SOL. If I'm black and a white owner turns me down for a GOOD reason (some proof involved), I could still likely win a suit in this country based on racial grounds. It's bullshit, plain and simple!
If someone wants to refuse you service because of who you are, go elsewhere... this isn't 1927 people... there are MANY businesses that CATER to specific groups of people. There are many more that don't care one way or the other. If you are part of the GLBT crowd and live in a small town, well... I'm sorry. Hopefully you can get to "the big city" soon, where it's much less of an issue.
You want to make the world a better, more equal place? Don't try to shove equality down people's throats in a "free" country. It'll never get you where you want to go. *shrug*
Again, before I get blasted, I'd like to reiterate that I personally think biggotry is dispicable... however, I think forcing hands is equally so. People are people... even the worst ones deserve the most basic respect.