Thanks for the replies everyone.
I agree, it probably is harder to fill my position then it is server. That is probably the reason they have guys start there and work their way up.
I had a chance to talk with the new guy, for a bit so I asked him if he had any previous restaurant exp. He was a prep cook and a host before. I also have been a dishwasher and prep cook before.
Also as a server the wage is actually lower then what I am recieving, but with tips you make quite a bit more.
When I first got the job, they gave me a binder that shows all the food/drinks and the ingrediants so you can learn them all. Within this binder it tells about a the company policies and other things about the company.
In one section it states:
"we don't hire on experience. instead, we train caring people to be incredible servers."
I know this is ultimately untrue. . .
I should also point out that since I've started working quite a few new servers have started (female). I was fine with this. some of them had previous experience, some didnt.
P.S. Im not "bagging" any of my co-workers yet. However, I am making some good friends, and that is the reason I am enjoying the job.