This transfer method of payment is a good idea, especially if you are on the last day of the interest free period to make a payment. There is no delay in the update.
The downside of transfers, though, seems to be that the payment history is not listed on the account history page. But that maybe peculiar to the bank. I use Royal Bank, not Toronto Dominion.
One more thing to be wary of: I recently received a new client card from the Royal Bank, which is the same colour as my Visa, instead of the old blue colour. I accidentally stuck my visa into the bank machine, thinking it was my client card, and withdrew $100 for petty cash. This of course ended up as being a cash advance on my Visa. Cash advance transactions start charging interest from the moment they are withdrawn or credited. I transfered money back to my Visa immediately upon discovering my mistake (within 45 seconds of the withdrawal) but it still cost me about $7 in interest! So don't be dumb like me. It's a good thing that I read my chit, otherwise I would have walked out of there, oblivious!
You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey
And I never saw someone say that before
You held my hand and we walked home the long way
You were loosening my grip on Bobby Orr