Originally Posted by frogza
Originally Posted by KnifeMisssile
While I appreciate your attempt to create understanding, there are still many points in your post I don't understand and I'm afraid they're the major ones...
While I am able to parse the sentence fragments "identifying oneself by one's temptations" and "I would be a cheating husband even though I have never cheated," I don't understand how they apply to homosexual marriage. Could you clarify this point? How does gay marriage mean either of these two things?
Up to this point I haven't been addressing gay marriage, simply the justification of homosexual acts by saying that a person is tempted.
If I were to read the rest of the paragarph into context, it sounds like you're trying to say that homosexual marriage justifies a sin and, thus, justifies all sins. Is this right?
Again, marriage hasn't entered into it yet. I am simply saying that the pattern of justification can be a slippery slope. Christians are saying that there needs to be a line drawn and claim that the line was drawn many years ago.
This simply sounds like you view homosexual marriage as insulting. It's not a physical attack, like a temple literally being destroyed, because homosexual people getting married doesn't prevent heterosexual people from getting married, so nothing's destroyed... So, I can only assume you mean a verbal attack, like an insult. Is this what you mean?
That is probably a fair assessment.
Okay, now that we have this understanding, I think I can say that there is no insight in this post. As far as I can tell, and please correct me if you disagree, the three main points of your original post are:
Gay marriage will justify homosexuality.
Allowing gays to marry is a slippery slope to other unsavory unions.
Gay marriage is insulting.
Is this a fair assessment? Would you agree with this summary?
Or, perhaps the point of your post was to explain
why christians believe that these three points are true?