Hey all,
About 15 months ago I discovered a lump on my left collar bone as I was brushing my teeth. Naturally I freaked out and saw a doctor first chance I got. Unfortunately the lump was gone by the time I visited him (and doctor nr. 2 for that matter) so they could only make a diagnosis in the light of the information I gave them:
There is not one, but many lumps actually.
They vary in size and they
always appear on my left collarbone.
I am able to push them back and forth myself - it doesn't hurt to do so.
They're not a swelling but small balls and if I push them they fall behind/under the collar bone and disappear.
The area around my collar bone isn't sore either.
Their consistency is firm, yet slightly soft.
Sometimes they're gone for days, sometimes for weeks but they always return at some point.
The doctors think that it may be inflamed lymph nodes but until they can see/feel them themselves they cannot be certain.
Have any of you ever heard about this or know of anyone who suffers from, well, what ever this is? I'm not really that worried about them, only dead curious to know
what they are. I hope that I'll found out eventually via my doctor or, perhaps, you.
I've enclosed two pictures for you so that you can see one of the lumps for yourself: