School or Job?
I was notified today that I am one of a dozen students who have been accepted into Graduate program. It’s a two year boot camp; if you complete it, you get an MFA degree and are able to teach among other things.
I graduated from college as an undergrad a year and a half ago. I had a very difficult time finding a full-time job. I went on two interviews and things just weren’t going my way. As a student, I interned for a very big company ; they offered me a part time gig (couple days a week) after graduation. While working part time, I decided I may as well go back to school since I wasn’t able to land my dream job. I studied for the GRE’s, and eventually submitted my application.
Approximately six months ago, someone quit, and the company asked me to work five days a week instead of two. The work I was doing was a dream come true, and I really learned a lot. The company decided not to replace the person who quit, but instead allow people like myself and a few others to share the hours. I was told that nothing is guaranteed, but eventually I may get a chance to work full-time. I was just glad to be working, and doing what I loved.
Within the last two months, I have been working on a part time basis. I have been told that I will know before the end of the summer whether the company plans to offer me a full time position or not.
I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. The Graduate program officials have given me two weeks to let them know whether I am accepting my seat in the program. At work, the people who will make the decision whether to hire me or not have not told me one way or the other. Should I call my boss and tell him what I just told you? I never told anyone at work that I applied for Graduate School. I am not sure what I should do.