Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Well, as I'm sure others will point out, sexuality is more like a spectrum as opposed to hard-line categories such as "homosexual," "bisexual," and "heterosexual." I don't think those college students are "choosing" to be capable of being bisexual, they're just much more on the heterosexual end of the spectrum than other bisexuals.
One thing I would like us all to remember is that: Being gay is not about sex. You can fuck anyone and it mean nothing.
Being gay is about who you fall in love with, who you connect with, and who you desire to be around, it is about love.
I understand that some people really are Bi while others (like the GUGs) are just having sex with anyone who will give it to them. My friends and I have began to call them "greedy."
So, while the people you are attracted to (and what to have sex with) may fall into a wide spectrum; I think that the people you can fall in love with falls into a spectrum that is a little more narrow.
Or maybe it is just my thinking that is narrow.
So this is going to be a pretty long post. I have just finished reading all the replies up to my last one, and here is my two cent.
Originally Posted by jmad
I think I saw something in the news about male and female pheremones, and that homosexuals have more receptors for the pheremones of the same sex. So, I'm a strong believer that it's not a choice; rather, it's a biological trait.
Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
This is 100% true, every study I've found that's tested it has proven that people who claim to have known they were gay from a young age respond to pheromones of the same sex rather than the opposite sex. I know it won't convince anyone who is sure that it's unnatural and unholy, but it's good enough for me to say I'm positive it's biological.
Has anyone ever seen the movie "But I'm a Cheerleader"??? That is what comes to mind. I just found out that homosexuality was not taken out of the APA's book of illness until 1994. How many people are out there, you think, that still thinks that gayness is a sickness that one can be cured of? And if you know someone who can do the curing, send me their info, I would love to meet them.
On that note, if there really was a person who could make gay people straight, then and only then would I say that ganyness is a choice. Becuase there would be an option there.
Originally Posted by WhiteKoopa
I think your sexual orientation comes neither by choice, biological traits or effects from the environment. It is most probably caused by the interaction of all 3, which is why it makes it impossible to find THE cause of sexual orientation.
Well said.
now, xepherys, your state your points very well. but I have a question for you.
Originally Posted by xepherys
So, onto homosexuality. A girl may not sit down in her teen years and think, "I want to be a lesbian", but when she's staring at someone across the classroom, she might notice a girls budding breasts more than a guys growing muscles. I think it's a lot psychological, a lot how you grow up. The argument is often one of "but you don't CHOOSE who to be attracted to". Well, I agree to an extent... but I don't think you're BORN with a set attraction either. I have a penchant for asian girls and redheads. Do you think I was "born" that way? Do I have some encoded gene for "think redheads are hot"?
When did you chose to be attracted to redheads? No, I don't think it was a choice that you made, and I do not think that you have some encoded gene either. And that is my point. You did not make the choice, but at some point in time you realized that you liked redheads more than you liked blonded. I didn't make the choice, either, but at some point I realized that I like women, in everyway, more than I liked men. I am the only out lesbian in my family, so I don't think there is a gene.
We make the choice to say, "I am going to be out" or "I will not be out." But I agree with Miss Badu when she sang "emotions don't lie."
You also said that
Originally Posted by xepherys
Personally I believe there is always choice
my question to you is quite simple: What do you think the choices are?
Daniel stated, "There are a number of people who believe that if you are born gay, it is God testing you. Their thory seems to be that God doesn't like homosexuality, so he makes some people gay so that they have the chance to prove their strength by abstaining."
Well, 1 Cor 13 states that God is love. Before that in one of the gospels, Jesus states that man really only need to follow two commands: 1) Love the Lord your God with all your mind, strenght, soul, and understanding. 2) Love your nieghbor as you love yourself.
Nowhere, that I have found, does it say that some kind of love is wrong and some is right. If God is love why would He look down on any type of love? Ask your friend this. Let me know what they say.
Originally Posted by Sapiens
Regarding the larger question of choice: It doesn't matter to me one way or another. If I were forced to choose, I would say no choice.
If you don't care one way or another why make a choice at all?
Originally Posted by MEAD
Until you can prove to me that it is biological, which means cold hard science, I'm going to say that it is choice, however deeply influenced and seemingly instinctive it is. You are not going to win me over with personal accounts and second-hand stories when you are trying to prove to me what is science. But what is annoying me in this tread is that people are assuming that if your vote for choice that you are against homosexuality. That simply isnt true. Futhermore, it seems as if your support of homosexuality is based on your belief that it is biological. If it turend out that it wasnt would you suddenly be against it? You all are dragging emotion into this which confuses the arugement. Biology vs choice, has nothing to do with right vs wrong.
Thank you Mead, but let me say that your vote does not mean that you are agaisnt homosexuality, it just means that you think it is a choice.
I am however wondering why you think it is science. Do you have cold hard proof that it is a choice? If so, I would love to read it. As we know, there is an execption to every rule.
And, so that everyone else here knows, I am not asking if you think it is right or wrong. Honestly, I care less if you think I will burn in hell or not, I just wanna know if you think I am chosing to burn in hell.
Mead, what other options do you think should be given? I did, however, set the opition limits so that people would discuss the topic, but if you think there should be more options, what should they be?
Originally Posted by Charlatan
I won't answer this poll on the grounds that it attempts to simplify a question for which we truly don't have an answer.
While I suspect that it is not a choice I would say that as socialized and self-aware creatures, it isn't that simple. There is more at play here than choice or not.
And my point was to get people to talk about those things at play.
Which I would like to thank you all for doing.